Important message COVID-19 / Corona
Deventer, 24 March, 2020
Dear Customer,
We are facing an uncertain time, a time in which unprecedented measures are announced by the government and in which news updates follow at a rapid pace. Unifloor closely follows these reports and the guidelines drawn up by RIVM (The Dutch Institute of Health and Environment).
Naturally, we always try to provide the delivery and service you are accustomed to from us. However, we would like to inform you about a number of matters that may have (or will have) an impact on the continuity of deliveries.
Products and production
Unifloor follows the RIVM guidelines and allows its employees to work from home as much as possible. With limited office occupancy, we can continue to provide all our customers with products. There is still sufficient stock and there are also sufficient raw materials. We will continue to produce with a slightly adjusted staffing level, as long as this is technically possible and permitted.
However, Unifloor has noticed some consequences with regard to transport capacity. This sector is suffering from outages and, in addition, extra capacity is demanded by companies that build up extra stock. In addition, we cannot influence local (international) government measures relating to road transport. We are in close contact with our transport partners and will inform you if a delivery is unexpectedly delayed.
We monitor the situation from day to day and, where necessary, take imposed or appropriate measures. As soon as anything changes in our situation, we will let you know.
The Backoffice is ready for you, they can be reached on working days from 08.00 to 17.00 hours:
Karel Nieuwenhuis I Tel. +31 570 855 533 I E-mail
Roy Lammen I Tel. +31 570 855 533 I E-mail
On behalf of myself and all my colleagues at Unifloor, we wish you every success for the coming period. Take good care of yourself and the people around you.
With best regards,
Willem-Jan Candel